Ben\’s 1967 Pontiac Firebird 400 Rod & Restoration

May 29, 2008, 8:17 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

It’s been a while since I’ve posted, mostly because I had to do a bunch of finagling with the headers and the final result is that I sent ’em back and had Michelle’s dad fix the old one. However, that money was spent on new turn signals and a bevy of other nonsense, so I’m just calling it even. I’ve got a bunch of plans on the horizon about what I want to do next, but there’s a snag – I just spent a grand on Michelle’s new scooter. Granted, she spent more on it than me, but it still stings. On top of that, I got a shitty annual raise and a whole bunch of other expenses that jumped up and bit me on the ass. Needless to say, I’m worse off than when I took my job a few years ago, but I digress.

I’ve settled on a plan for the center console and dash, but I’ve got a long way to go before that’s going to happen. I think the next step is to replace the radiator or the steering. Either one’s going to eat up my whole tax rebate check thing. So, the moral of the story is: Don’t Wait Up.

Besides, I’m too busy drag racing the old scooter right now.